
Lichen is a community care space.

A place to reweave and remember our relations.

When we say that worms, and birch trees, and mountains are also people, this matters. It's not just abstract or theoretical, it matters because if we feel as if we are disconnected from nature, we create a false sense of separation from the companion plants in our homes, the animals that are living in our environment, the song of the wood and the water and the metals that are in our living space. This perception suggests that to be human is to be something other than nature. This is damaging. It's harmful. It's isolating. It reinforces a sense of exile from our inseparability from the rest of life and the rest of what is.

Lichen wishes to hold space for the tending and mending of the human nature split; to practice listening and exploring how we may be in relation in a deeply rooted and respectful way, honoring the interconnection of all life and fostering a sense of belonging.