The Intention

Envisioned in 2006 and kindled in 2019, the intention of Lichen is to provide community care; a place to reweave and remember our relations and cultivate a practice of nonduality, mindfulness, deep listening, and belonging.

The overstory of this space is to decenter the human experience and honor the more than human world within the ancestral homelands of the Wabanaki, also known as Blue Hill, Maine. Lichen is a meeting and weaving space centering nonduality, mindfulness, holistic care, interconnection, and land honoring, with hope that these seeds will be planted within and tended by those who visit. Lichen wishes to hold space for exploring how we may be in relation with life, land and to one another in a deeply rooted and respectful way.

With this foundation, Lichen wishes to create and hold space for experiences and offer teachings in service of collective liberation; to host low to no cost holistic community care, small gatherings, programs, and events that are accessible to a spectrum of marginalized communities. Respectfully tending, connecting to, and honoring land is often inaccessible for those who are marginalized and Lichen intends to create a literal and figurative bridge over this gap to hold space for people who feel overlooked, undervalued, and often forgotten within systems that prioritize efficiency and conformity over diversity.

If you are a holistic practitioner wishing to donate a few sessions a month in Lichen’s practice space, please be in touch.

If you have an offering in line with these values and intentions, please be in touch.

If you need access to indoor or outdoor space for your personal practice, please be in touch.

May we find ways to care for one another; with tenderness, courage, and love. May we hold space for complexity. May we center peace and nonduality. May it be so and so it is.