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Moon Dinner (with Mary Casella of mlkbtch)

  • LICHEN CENTER Blue Hill, Maine / Penobscot Territory (map)

Mary Casella is a celebrated cheesemonger and championer of women in the dairy industry and advocate of the history, culture, and relationship of humans and ruminants. This night will celebrate Mary’s deep love of the world of cheese.

MLKBTCH is a moniker of dual meaning.

On the one hand it is a subversion of the term milkmaid/dairymaid–women in dairy are no fair maids. On the other, when interpreted as “Batch” it is a reference to a batch of milk, ie. morning milk vs an evening milk, and is meant to represent the fact that here you will find a batch or accumulation of matters relating to dairy.

mlkbtch Website mlkbtch Instagram

August 8

“Ancestral Healing and Death” with Jillian Twisla

August 28

“Art & Story, Death & Grief” with Chelsea Granger